Email Security

A next-generation mail security system that combines
all the features of previous spam blockers
with the ability to block new dangerous mail.

Next-Gen<br>Email Security<br>SPAM PRISM

Next generation email security

SPAM PRISM is a next-generation email security system
that provides a secure environment for all emails without damaging the original email.
A dashboard that checks email traffic in real time allows quick response,
and secure emails provide the same screen as the original email.
You can experience the same performance and usability even in special environments where the Internet is blocked.

Security Audit

Security Audit

Audit Data Generation
Ability to review audit records by incident type
Potentially compromised email alarms
Audit storage saturation warning alarm

Identification and authentication

Identification and authentication

IP-based terminal access control
Provides administrator authentication based on two-factor authentication

Security management

Security management

Security management via web browser (HTTPS)
Use only pre-registered IP addresses
Configuration information, policy management, administrator management, etc.

Security management function
- Administrator management, policy management
- Preferences, history, log search
- Administrator IP management

SPAM PRISM Protection

SPAM PRISM Protection

Maintain a list of critical daemons and behavioral states that should be restarted in case of SPAM PRISM failure

Integrity check at specified check intervals

Notify administrators when integrity violations are found and generate audit data

Resource Utilization

Resource Utilization

Redundant HA system without SQL database dependency



Automatic session termination after a period of administrator inactivity

Limit one concurrent session of the same privileged administrator

Spam safe view recovery

Spam safe view recovery

Provide spam safety preview

Provide notification reports about spam emails to users

Transmission control

Transmission control

Email that meets the condition policy set by the administrator is sent after approval by the administrator

The administrator sets SPAM PRISM's transmission control policy for all incoming emails, spam recovery emails, and emails containing personal information.

Check SPAM PRISM<br>transmission record

transmission record

Provides spam prism transmission record check function

Automatically adds sending record confirmation image to email

Secure web resources

Secure web resources

Saves resource data in URL and provides secure URL to protect against potential threats that may occur after receiving email

Provides the same usage environment as the Internet blocking environment

Blocking and responding to spam

Packet-based inspection
Content-based scanning
Authentication-based scanning

Packet-based inspection

Check sender email address and sending server IP information
Detect malicious mail via R-RBL
SMTP Authentication feature, supports TLS-only transport method restriction

Content-based scanning

Universal spam filter
Complex conditional text detection filter
DLP filter
Organization name impersonation blocking filter
3rd Wheel detection filter필터
Final URL analysis for URL redirection or script autoconnection
Malicious web page quarantine execution analysis
Real-time SSL visualization Web access security
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) identification filter
Loop-back K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) filter
Attachment format checking
Macro/script inspection of files in attachments and zipped files
Non-PE Analyzer for detecting harmful data
Ransom Sandbox scan to detect encryption through dynamic execution in a virtual environment
Attachment Decontamination (CDR) to address the possibility of document files containing new vulnerability exploit code

Authentication-based scanning

Queries DNS servers to scan, including Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
Reverse DNS filter
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) filter
Support for adding DKIM header information at sending time
Only accepts DMARC information reference check and block policies

Do you have any questions regarding email
security SPAM PRISM?

Contact us for solutions